GLOSSARY: A description of different columns of the output file.
Unigene ID: EST-cluster ID used to link to GeneNest or SpliceNest while searching for genes and transcripts respectively.
Gene Symbol: (Frequently) HUGO gene symbols extracted from original EMBL entries.
Annotation: Annotation extracted from original EMBL entries.
Tissue: Tissue(s) that was either selected or for which appropriate EST data exists.
Chr: The chromosome number.
AS Type: Type of the alternative splice event (Skipped exon / Multiple skipped exon / Retained intron / Alternative donor or acceptor site).
Specific Exon: The tissue-specific intron-junction or exon linked to GeneNest database.
In parenthesis, specific ESTs vs Total ESTs.
Reference Exon: The intron-junction or exon alternative to the specific one, linked to GeneNest visualization.
In parenthesis, number of ESTs covering the exon.
Specific Pattern: Indicating whether the presence or the absence of alternative sequence is specific to a certain tissue.
(Sequence -> Specific extra region; Junction -> Specific intron boundary.)